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This week I went to the mall and it hit me that it is DECEMBER! where the heck did 2018 go?

I was shopping for christmas gifts and walked into F21 and I was confused because all I saw was sequence clothing.... new years clothes.

I found myself wondering why some stores are selling new years products already since it is barely December, but then I remembered how in halloween they were selling thanksgiving products, in thanksgiving they were selling christmas products and in christmas they are selling new years. WHAT?

This was crazy to me because I felt like I was not able to enjoy the holidays because everything was pushing me to look forward to what the next holiday was instead of being present and enjoying the one that is going on at the moment. That trip to the mall made me feel anxious because I felt like the world was moving so fast and I am trying to catch up, while I’m buying christmas gifts the world is already in New years Ave.

Two days later I talked to one of my customers at work and she expressed the same stress that I felt when I left the mall, She shared with me that she feels like she is never able to fully enjoy the holidays since she felt like she had to think ahead and plan for the next big even, being her kid’s birthday, a couple days after the new year.

This week I took my finals and finished yet another semester at college.

I also had my christmas holiday party, went to the house of an amazing family and helped put up their tree, I went with friends to watch the meteor shower (which was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen) and I went on a road trip with Scott (boyfriend). Combined with work and finals, I barely got any time to rest or time to stop and really take everything that was going on. I felt a little all over the place and felt like I kept thinking of what else I had to do or had going on.

This week really made me realize how important it is to stop and take in every moment because I don’t want to look back and think of how tired that week made me or how stressful and anxious I felt, but instead remember the details of every day and every event, for instance how the sky looked and how bright the stars were with no light cities around and worship music playing, how excited I felt when Jocelyn (one of my best friends) finally got to the christmas party and how funny we are together when we work. Those are the things I want to fully take in because those are the blessings that God is giving me and missing them would mean missing Him.

There is a quote that says “ Enjoy every moment, for this moment is your life” this quote as cheesy as it is, it made things so real for me that everything outside this moment doesn’t matter. It does not matter that the world is moving fast, that does not mean we have to move with it, we can stop rushing through our days, going through motions and instead be very intentional with every moment God gives us paying close attention to what He is showing us and blessing us with.



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