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The way I like to read my bible is reading a chapter or two a day and choosing a verse that stuck to me the most. Today I read Matthew 5, I stopped at the 12th verse because I could not stop looking back to verse 8. Matthew 5:8 “ Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” I looked up pure and in the dictionary is described as something not mixed or adulterated with any other substance. To me that meant to have only God in my heart without unnecessary elements of the world. Having a pure heart to me means to have a childlike faith, not overthink what God is doing in our lives, but trust that whatever He is doing will workout for our best and will give Him glory.

With a pure heart our thoughts and actions become God like because we act to bring Him glory to bring love, peace and joy, because there is no space for the enemy or the world in our hearts. When our hearts are pure and filled with Jesus we see God in everything. I know that when I put God first I see more beauty in the world, it is easier to love others, to be patient, confident and I feel encouraged and excited to do His work because I see Him all around me. His love for us is pure, no matter what we do and what the world tells us, but His is unconditional love. Jesus died to make us clean, wiped all of our sins all of the baggage we had and set us free. Because of that our hearts are made pure and because of a pure heart we can see the beauty of God in the world.

This is a reminder that God needs to be at the forefront of our minds, and let Him use us to bring heaven to earth. With a heart as pure as His, we can love others better, we can serve others without thinking that we have to, but grateful that we get to. With a heart like His we become grateful for what we have, instead of bitter for what we don’t, we become more joyful because we know that God is in control, which also brings us peace because we don’t have to fear the future with Him in control.


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