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Finding hope while going through trials can be very difficult and at times I find myself pushing away anything that could cause heartache and I become numb. But I also become numb to feeling everything elseGod offers, for instance, His joy, peace and love. For awhile God had been asking me to let go of something that wasn’t part of his plan for me, but as a human I refused to let go. I tried to control the situation and I ignored God’s conviction. With time I began to feel nothing. I prayed it away, I cried it away, and I even tried to "give it up to Jesus”, but deep inside I was still holding on. The problem was that I knew what I needed to do, I needed to let go, but I couldn’t. Colossians 2:7 says "Let your lives be built on Him. I was not building my life on Him" but I was beginning to build my life in fear of the unknown. I was scared, I didn’t wanted to be uncomfortable, I didn’t want to disappoint and hurt people, so I kept holding on.

In the midst of it all I forgot God’s truth and His promises to us. First, His truth 2 Timothy 1:7 “God will never give you the spirit of fear.” Second, God has promised that all things, not some, ALL things are going to work out for our good. That meant that letting go would work out for my own good. When I realized this two truths everything became clear and I realized that because of His spirit of courage and His promises to us I could hope.

“For hope means that we must TRUST and wait for what is still unseen.” Romans 8:24 Even though I didn’t know what would happen once I let go, because of God and his unfailing love, I knew everything would be okay. God has carried me through many mountains and He will continue to do so.

Unwavering hope and faith will carry you through, and thinking otherwise is not believing in what God has promised you. When I finally surrendered the plans I had for my life to God I felt peace and hope, because I knew that anything I had imagined couldn’t compare to what He has planned. I knew that as long as I seek His will, He will show me my path.

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