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I turned 23 yesterday! and I decided I wanted to do a post about things and life lessons I have learned. I finally feel kind of “old” now that I am 23! Old meaning I am turning into a real adult. I am going to be 24 next year?! THAT IS OLD!!! And then 25?! That is a real grown up age!! I think I will experience a lot of changes in my 23rd year of life so I want to document some of the things I feel like I have learned at this age.

1.- The struggle is part of the story. There will always be mountains to climb and things to deal with, but it is so important to stay hopeful to know that far better things are around the corner.

2.- This year I learned the importance in being happy where you are at. As a realist I like to make plans and know exactly where I’m going, which also means I see happiness as a future thing, when something is achieved. I’ve learned that as much as I need to plan and have goals, I need to enjoy where I am at and instead of focusing on whats to come really being present and enjoying what it is.

3.- There is strength and power in letting go. This is something that I tend to forget, sometimes it is easy to hold on and call it loyalty and tick ourselves to think it is what is right, but sometimes that is far from the truth. Recognizing something is harmful to you and being able to let that go, no matter how bad you wanted it, I believe shows strength, self-love and maturity. Not everything is meant to stay in your life and letting go can be scary, but there is power on that strength.

4.- Everyone’s journey is different. This year most of my friends graduated from college and for awhile I felt ashamed that I wasn’t there yet, but I am learning to be okay with that. I decided to move and travel a lot and for a time that came before my education, which is okay. Now I am putting my education first, but this taught me that life happens different for everyone there is no right or wrong it is simply a different journey.

5.- Quality over quantity! when it comes to friends I have learned that having a lot of friends and knowing a lot of people is useful when it comes to my career, but when it comes to people I confide in and I can be vulnerable with it is less about the quantity, but about quality. You want people who you can depend on and that will enhance your life.

6.- God gives us the power to be whatever we want to be. Learning that what I can do is a gift from God and does not come from self is so humbling, knowing that I was given this gifts to love people.

7.- 95.5% of my mood depends on coffee

8.- It is okay to say no to things! still learning since I am a people pleaser.

9.- Look at the big picture! when going through a heartache Ive learned to remember that God is preparing me for something.

10.-God will find me where I am and not where I think I should be. He will take me where I am meant to be.

11.- Cheesecake is and will always be my favorite dessert. Not very important but just one of those things I needed to say.

12.-Traveling is SO IMPORTANT! learning about cultures and how people around the world live will change the way you see life and make you a better all around person.

13- .Swearing is not cool. I rarely ever ever ever swear and but when I do I am embarrassed 3 seconds later.

14.- Everyone needs a creative outlet

15.- It might be a bad day, but it is not a bad life.

16.-Doubt your doubts as much as you doubt yourself

17.-Share your story. I have learned that as hard as it is to be vulnerable and show people how broken you are, it is important to do so because you never know who you could help with it.

18.- The failure and brokenness in me is a testimony for my need of God

19.- We don’t have to give, we get to give! This is so important because often we overlook the blessing it is being able to give to others whether it is money, food, a hug or a smile. When you see someone receive something you are giving them and you can see how thankful they are it shifts not only their heart, but yours as well and that feeling is a blessing.

20.- I love my mom more than anything in this whole world!! The older I get, the more I appreciate her! She is truly my best friend and cheerleader.

21.- Love never fails

22.-Believe in yourself. Whenever I feel insecure or incapable to do something I remind myself of the things Ive done and never thought I could. If I feel insecure Ive learned to remind myself of who I am at my core and if i eel incapable I remind myself that I have the power to make anything happen if I work hard.

23.- Don’t take life so seriously! at the end of the day God wants us to enjoy life and to have fun with it.

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