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If you know me, then you probably know that 95% of the time i have my nose in a book and no matter what is going on around me if I am reading you’ll be 100% ignored. Thats how much I lOVE books, but finding a good book can be sometimes challenging (specially when you are still hanged to the book you just read) So I decided to make a list three books that I am currently obsessed with.

I do need to say this list will be for my current christian books favorites, but I will be making a list for a different type of books in the future.

1. SYMPLY TUESDAY by Emily P. Freeman

This book is one of my favorites because it puts into perspective the importance of the simple things in life, it reminds us that those are the things where we find God doing most of His work in our lives. This book taught me that sometimes I need to stop asking God for big ways to serve him and start walking with Jesus into the next simple moment, to celebrate smallness and participate in something greater than ourselves. The book talks about the struggle that it is to try to keep up with the world, the pressure we live under and it makes you question what is life with Jesus? and the book helped me understand that life with Jesus is the relief that comes from learning to lean back into small living moments rather than trying to keep pace with a fast moving world, it thought me that in the small moments life is truly lived. Small was Jesus' whole life- how he came, how he lived, how he died, even to whom he revealed himself once he rose again.

2. LOVE DOES by Bob Goff

How to even start with this book! this one is probably my favorite one out of all from this list. This book talks about love, but the love of God we find in others. Bob Goff shares stories of his life when he felt the Lord talk to him to show love and grace towards others, but also the love he witnessed in others. In each chapter with every story Goff is describing the love of God and he teaches us that when you love like Jesus loves, you live like Jesus lives. my favorite part of the book is when he writes “ in the end, love doesn’t just keep thinking about it or planning for it, love just does” Love pursues blindly, unflinchingly and without end. If God is love then no matter what we do He will be with us always, He will love us without end. We owe it to Jesus to do the same for each other.

3. NOTHING TO PROVE by Jennie Allen

This book has helped me so much, I am a people pleaser and sometimes I can feel like I am not enough. This is something I have struggled with mostly the last couple of years. Feeling like I'm not a good enough girlfriend, not a good enough friend or daughter to both my worldly parents and my spiritual father. Nothing to prove is a book that God isn’t after someone perfect or someone who is moving mountains, but He is after us, each one of us just the way we are. Jennie Allen wrote “ I am realizing it’s not my curse that I believe I am not enough; it’s my sin that i keep trying to be” God loves our brokenness because it is the very reason we need Him. This book taught me that I am not enough, I have short comings, but with Jesus in me I am enough, so I drink His grace and I have nothing to prove.

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